News Stories

New General Manager at Inmatec GaseTechnologie - part of the XEBEC Adsorption Group

New General Manager at Inmatec GaseTechnologie - part of the XEBEC Adsorption Group


As of May 1st, Dr. Peter Biedenkopf took over the management of Inmatec Gasetechnologie, a leading manufacturer of oxygen and nitrogen generators. As a new subsidiary and part of Xebec Adsorption Inc. Inmatec has now an even larger service network.

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48 oxygen generators for India to fight Covid

48 oxygen generators for India


India has ordered 48 oxygen generators. The generators are used in numerous hospitals in inaccessible regions in northern India to fight COVID.

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Medical oxygen for hospital in Poland

Medical oxygen for hospital in Poland


Poland is strongly affected by the corona pandemic. Due to the enormous increase in the need for oxygen, the oxygen reserves were used up in many places, and the supply of oxygen bottles to hospitals could not be maintained in some cases. An Inmatec POC 8400 Med oxygen generator now installed in a hospital is considered to be one of the most technologically advanced oxygen generation systems for medical oxygen in the country. The generator will secure the oxygen supply for hospital patients in the future.

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