News Stories

INMATEC creates security in oil production

INMATEC creates security in oil production

Container solution for generating nitrogen for oil pipelines in Tunisia

A leading global mineral oil and energy company from Europe will in future use self-generated nitrogen to inert an oil production system in Tunisia. The nitrogen generators, which are housed in two desert-proof containers, generate almost 1,000 m3 of nitrogen per hour and avoid inflammation or explosions in the system.

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Awarded products which save lives

Awarded products which save lives

Inmatec receives the Innovation Award 2021

Inmatec Gastechnologie receives the "Innovation Award 2021 Innovation Level" in the category "Innovative Product or Patent in the Healthcare Sector". The Senetics Healthcare Group is honoring the achievements of the Bavarian company Inmatec in the R&D area for the manufacture of innovative products.

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Québec Economic Attaché visits Inmatec

Québec Economic Attaché visits Inmatec

The aim is to expand trade relations

Since Inmatec has been part of the Xebec group based in the Canadian province of Québec, Inmatec has been receiving more and more inquiries about nitrogen and oxygen supply from North America. On Wednesday, the Government of Québec's Economics and Innovation Attaché Nikolaus Hottenroth paid a visit to Inmatec in Herrsching. The aim is to establish business contacts with companies in Québec and to expand mutual trade relations in both directions.

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