News Stories

Moldovan hospitals are receiving 14 oxygen generators

Moldovan hospitals are receiving 14 oxygen generators

Oxygen production for corona treatment

The Republic of Moldova is severely affected by the corona pandemic. The number of new infections currently exceeds 950 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over seven days. The hospitals are therefore currently reaching their limits, medical oxygen is becoming scarce. Fourteen oxygen generators from Inmatec have now been installed. Distributed across thirteen hospitals, they will produce medical oxygen to supply corona patients.

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Nitrogen for altitude training in the Austrian soccer league

Nitrogen for altitude training in the Austrian soccer league

Nitrogen generator creates high mountain atmosphere

SV Guntamatic Ried has recently started high-altitude training in its own training center in Ried, Austria, in order to increase the performance of its soccer players. The basis for this is a reduced oxygen content in the training atmosphere, which simulates the effect of an altitude of up to 3,500 m above sea level. This is achieved by adding nitrogen, which is generated directly on site with the help of an Inmatec nitrogen generator.

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Life saving oxygen for St. Lucia

Life saving oxygen for St. Lucia

Turnkey plant for medical oxygen goes to the Caribbean

The Owen King European Union Hospital (OKEUH) from St. Lucia in the Caribbean is receiving a complete INMATEC oxygen production system, which includes all components for the production and filling of medical oxygen. The system will provide the essential gas for treating patients in the hospital.

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